by johnny terpot Berenice Abbott (July 17, 1898 – December 9, 1991), née Bernice Abbott, was an American photographer best known for her black-and-white photography of New York City architecture and urban design of the 1930’s. In 1929, Berenice Abbott documented New York City in her first major photography project. Many of Abbott’s most well… leggi tutto »
latest art clippings
tobbe malm: blacksmith and artist
di Johnny terpot Tobbe Malm is a blacksmith artist born in Norberg, Sweden, in 1960. Norberg is a small Swedish mining town, where the industry is thought to date from the 12th century. The very earth shook day and night from explosions in the mine tunnels far below the streets. The iron ore was boiled… leggi tutto »
matt gaser: illustrator and conceptual artist
Matt Gasser is an illustrator and conceptual artist who lives in Northern California. He started his studies at the Art Center College of Design, now works for Lucasfilm and is building a fantastic children’s book. Matt Gaser is a conceptual artist who worked in both the film The Clone Wars ( 2008) and its spin-off TV… leggi tutto »
livia giovannoli: la Shoah è musica
di Livia Giovannoli Ero una bambina quando iniziai le mie prime lezioni di musica e di violino verso la fine degli anni ’70 con il M°Levis. Il maestro, già anziano a quei tempi, era un musicista ebreo che aveva suonato nei teatri e orchestre di tutta Italia diversi strumenti e tra un solfeggio, una lezione di… leggi tutto »
fernando botero: l’opulenza dell’ipertrofica società contemporanea
Fernando Botero Pittore e scultore (nato nel 1932), Fernando Botero è uno dei più grandi artisti colombiani di tutti i tempi ed oggi è tra i pittori più ricchi al mondo. È un talento precoce, già a sedici anni pubblica illustrazioni per “El Colombiano”, principale giornale di Medellín, sua città natale, ed espone per la prima volta…. leggi tutto »
rom mueck: the hyper realistic sculptor
di johnny terpot Ron Mueck (Melbourne, 1958) is an Australian artist and sculptor. His work is related to the current hyperrealism. Mueck is known for his sculptures in an extremely realistic materials: polyvinyl resins or various materials. He has contributed to the creation of the film Labyrinth – characters Where everything is possible, in which he… leggi tutto »